I suppose you could say I'm an artist. And part of the being an artist is creating the dreaded artist's statement which says who you are and what you do and why you do it. What that is exactly will vary -- it can be so academic your head will spin. Personally, I believe in the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid). So behold, my Artist's Statement. I've toyed with it for about 15 years now and the same images and thoughts still apply. Is it safe to assume that's who I am? Who knows - depends on the day and how simple I feel at the time.
Visit my web site to get an idea of some of my art that illustrates what I mean in my Artist's Statement.
Krys Pettit Original Artwork
Krys Pettit
Watercolor Artist
Artist Statement
I have always been fascinated by portals -- windows, doors, gates, fences -- ways we surround ourselves, secure from everything but yet enabling us to escape if we wish. I find that nature interacts beautifully with these entrances – embracing, sheltering, decorating and coaxing – creating its own unique living work of art.
What calls to me are the quiet scenes that go unnoticed – the corner window, the gate hiding in the shadows, the door that waiting to be opened and to let someone in. So many of these man-made images are surrounded by nature whether as a chosen embellishment or through the dominance of the natural world over man-made structures. The seasonal outcome of their relationship will change and at various times one or the other becomes more dominant and more beautiful. It has taught me as that sometimes the simplest images make the most intriguing and memorable paintings.
Using watercolor as my mediums, I paint these moments in time, impressions gathered from my years of observation and travel. I paint memories, interpretations of what I have seen and recorded. Images speak to me and I feel a surge of energy to record that time, that instant, those colors.
This creative journey is what motivates me to paint, making every day an adventure and a joy where fleeting memories and moments in time are captured. Sharing these memories and moments with my viewers and collectors are the reward I gain on this journey.